SMART goals

4 Ways setting SMART goals can increase your productivity

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Setting SMART goals can be intimidating, especially if you’re a solopreneur. In this article, we’ll talk about how setting goals can help you increase productivity and create a more effective workday. We’ll also cover the basics of SMART goal-setting and how it can benefit your business.

Set SMART goals to get more done

SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. That means they have a clear purpose and can be measured against what you’re trying to achieve.

Here are some examples of SMART goals:

  • Specific: “I will send out an email newsletter every week.”

  • Measurable: “I will include 1 link per newsletter.”

  • Attainable: “I already have the resources I need to create a newsletter (e.g., relevant content).”

  • Relevant: “It’s important for me to communicate regularly with my customers about their needs.”

The benefits of setting SMART goals are as follows:


Anticipation is the feeling you get when you know that something good is coming. It’s the excitement and motivation you get from thinking about doing something fun with your family or friends, going on vacation, or buying a new car.

Anticipation also happens when you are anticipating an event (like Christmas or Thanksgiving) because of all the things that come along with it—such as visiting relatives, having holiday parties, and gift exchanges—or simply because of what comes with being in a holiday mood: shopping for gifts!

So how does anticipation apply here? If setting goals makes us more productive then we have to ask ourselves: What type of goals do we need?

A goal needs to be specific so we can identify what exactly needs to happen in order for us to reach it.

Setting SMART Goals Can Help Your Focus

When you focus on your goals, you keep your priorities straight. You know what needs to be done and why it’s important to do so. You can’t afford to waste time on tasks that aren’t relevant or necessary right now. When you’re focused on the task at hand, everything else falls into place much more easily.

It’s also important for solopreneurs (and everyone else) to have a long-term vision for where they want their business or career to go. This helps give us perspective when we’re bogged down by daily tasks, and it helps us see how each task fits into our overall goal of growing our business in a good direction over time.


setting goals enhance motivation

Motivation is a key part of goal setting. It’s the desire to achieve something, and it can come from inside you or outside of you.

There are two types of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic.

Intrinsic motivation comes from within yourself—you want to do something because it’s interesting or enjoyable for its own sake, not because someone else wants it done.

Extrinsic motivations are external incentives like money or praise that drive your actions.

Motivation may also be short-term or long-term in nature; short-term goals focus on what needs to be done today or within the next week, while long-term goals are usually more complex projects that take months or years to complete.

Finally, motivation can be positive (encouraging) or negative (discouraging), meaning that some people like working toward things they want while others prefer avoiding things they don’t want!


Having goals will help you be more productive in your work. When you have a clear goal, it helps you focus on what is important. You can cut down on the time spent on unimportant tasks and instead spend more time working towards your goal.

Setting goals for yourself also gives you a reason to get up in the morning and get started with your day. If there were no goals set for your daily routine or projects, then it would just be a boring routine that feels like a job. The feeling of accomplishment when reaching a certain mark on your journey to success will give life meaning and purpose again!

Setting specific measurable attainable relevant timebound (SMART) goals is one of the best ways to stay focused on what’s important for any project or task at hand so that progress can be measured over time as well as how far off track we may be from reaching those milestones which are necessary along our path towards success within any industry regardless if it’s online marketing & entrepreneurship related.


If you’re a solopreneur like me, you probably feel like you never have enough time to get everything done. But there’s no need to keep feeling that way! With the right tools and techniques, such as SMART goals, we can boost our productivity and achieve more than ever before—while still having plenty of time for sleep, friends, family, and fun.

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