increase productivity

9 Ways to increase productivity as a solopreneur

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Work is different for everyone. For some, it’s a place to be productive and get things done, while others find themselves more relaxed at the office. Whether you like to work from home or prefer being in an office environment, here are some tips on how you can stay organized and increase productivity as a solopreneur.

Pay attention to how you use your time

You can improve your productivity by paying attention to how you spend your time.

You might be surprised at how much time is being wasted on activities that don’t help you move toward your goals. One way to measure this is with a time tracker tool, which helps you keep track of where every minute goes every day so that you can make adjustments as necessary.

There are many options available, but here are my favorites:


This app tracks the sites and apps that take up most of your computer time during the day and allows users to see overall statistics about their computer usage over weeks or months.

Also provides reports on where they spend specific types of tasks (e-mailing, researching online, etc.). Users can set goals for activity levels in particular categories such as social media use within particular windows of time (say 3 p.m.–4 p.m.) so that they know when it’s okay for them to check Facebook or Instagram again!


This tool lets users organize notes, documents, ideas, and other information in one place.

It’s great for keeping track of everything from daily tasks to client projects.


This tool helps keep track of tasks and projects by dividing them up into boards (e.g., “Projects”) with lists within each board (e.g., “Design & Development”).

Users can assign themselves new cards or move existing ones around as needed by dragging them from list to list or changing their due date so they know when something is due by when it was scheduled originally instead of just leaving things open-ended.

Plan your day

Before you start working, take a few minutes to plan out the tasks you want to accomplish. This will help keep you on track and prevent unnecessary distractions.

A good way of doing this is by using a calendar app or Microsoft Excel spreadsheet where you can schedule your appointments, deadlines, and meetings in advance.

Use timers to keep track of how long tasks take

If there is a particularly difficult task that takes longer than expected, use an online timer (or download one) so that you know exactly how much time has passed while working on it.

This allows for more accurate estimates when planning future projects: if it took 15 minutes last time, then perhaps next week’s project should be planned for closer to 20 minutes instead.

Stay focused and manage distractions

Technology can be a great tool for productivity, but only when it’s used properly. If you’re constantly checking social media, playing games, or taking too many breaks, your productivity will suffer.

Turn off notifications

Turn off notifications

Notifications can be helpful when they tell us something important has happened, but they also bring non-essential information that could distract us from our work.

To reduce distractions caused by sound and light alerts, turn off notifications in your notification settings (iPhone) or disable sounds/vibrations altogether (Android).

Don’t check emails until after a set time

Set aside specific blocks of time each day for responding to emails so that they don’t disrupt other tasks throughout the day.

It’s also helpful to make sure any new messages appear as push notifications instead of email notifications—this way there is no temptation to open them immediately upon arrival!

Take regular breaks

It’s important to take regular breaks throughout the day. However, you also need to make sure that you don’t spend too much time away from your desk.

In order to achieve this, it’s helpful to set a timer until which point you cannot leave your desk and go for a walk or have lunch.

For example, if I’m working on a project that will take me at least 2 hours, I’ll set my timer for 1 hour and 15 minutes. This way, after working hard for one hour and fifteen minutes (or whatever amount of time works best for you), I’ll know that it’s okay for me to get up from my desk and do something different until the next break comes along.

If possible, try setting up an alarm on your phone or computer so that there’s no chance of forgetting about taking regular breaks!

Schedule calls, meetings, and other tasks

The best way to stay organized as a solopreneur is by using scheduling apps. Using these apps you can easily schedule calls, meetings, and other tasks that involve other people in one day or even a few days per week.

This will help you to be more productive since you won’t have to take care of all the things on your own and it will also keep your clients happy because they get their work done faster than expected.

Work on projects when you’re most productive

You may have heard that you can be more productive if you work when you’re most productive. However, most people don’t know what that means for them.

Some people are morning people and some are night owls, so how will you figure out which type of person you are?

The best way to find out is by taking note of how different times of the day make you feel and then extrapolate from there.

Are mornings great for getting things done but afternoons and evenings not so much?

Or do late nights work best for completing tasks?

Whatever your preferences happen to be, try matching them up with your daily schedule as best as possible so that each time slot is filled with productivity-boosting activities.

You might also want to adjust your sleep schedule or take naps during the day if necessary—there’s nothing wrong with doing whatever it takes to stay energized!


As you can see, there are many tools out there that can help you be more productive as a solopreneur. But it’s important to remember that this is not just about technology—it’s also about how you use your time, focus, and energy. The key is finding the right balance between these different elements so that they work together in harmony. We hope this article has given you some tips on how to do just that!

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