Branded content vs. traditional advertising

Branded Content vs Ad: Time to Switch?

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We’ve all seen traditional advertising. It shows up everywhere, and it’s usually just a giant banner ad or a 30-second commercial on TV. The problem with traditional advertising is that it’s not actually engaging people – it’s just trying to sell them something. Brand advocates come back again and again, following brands on social media, signing up for newsletters, and buying products simply because they know they’ll love the experience that comes with them.

Effective branded content beats traditional advertising

Branded content has been successful for more than a decade now, with brands like Nike and Red Bull leading the way in producing entertaining films, articles, and more to engage audiences. It’s proven more effective than traditional advertising because it actually engages people instead of just trying to sell them something.

Branded content is created by brands directly but funded by third parties (a media company), which means that brands don’t have to pay as much money upfront. This also allows companies that wouldn’t normally be able to afford large production costs access to this type of publishing medium without draining their budgets too quickly or risking losing control over their brand message/image if left within someone else’s hands for too long.

Increase Your Audience

Brand content is a great way to reach a specific audience since it’s so targeted and engaging.

customer loyalty

Research shows that branded content is more effective than traditional advertising because it reaches the right audience with minimal effort and cost. According to a report by Unruly Media, branded videos with at least one character experiencing unsatisfying customer service were shared twice as often as non-branded videos that featured similar content.

This means that if you want your brand message spread far and wide among social media users who have had bad experiences with other companies, then a branded video should be part of your strategy!

Branded content drives customer loyalty, not traditional ads

customer loyalty

Branded content doesn’t just market your brand to customers-it makes them advocates for it. Branded content creates brand advocates.

A brand advocate is someone who can speak positively about your product or service to friends, family, and other customers. Brand advocates come back again and again, following brands on social media, signing up for newsletters, and buying products simply because they know they’ll love the experience that comes with them.

These are the people who will defend your brand at all costs, even if they don’t have any business relationship with it. And when they do have a relationship with the brand? Well, then they’re even more likely to recommend it!

So, when you give people an experience that makes them feel like part of something bigger than themselves—like being part of something special—you create an emotional connection between them and your company or product. You can also make money off these emotional connections: for example, by selling merchandise or tickets (as many artists do).

This clearly indicates that branded content inspires repeat purchases by building loyalty through customer experiences that feel more personal than traditional ads do. This type of marketing builds a strong relationship between customers and brands, which results in more sales over time.

Brands educate and connect with audiences via lifestyle-focused content

lifestyle-focused content

You can use branded content to connect with your audience in a way that resonates with them and educates them on how your product or service will help them achieve a specific lifestyle or goal. This is especially useful in industries where customers might need a little help understanding why they would want such a thing (like the space industry).

For example, when NASA wanted to promote its Mars mission, it created an online game called Mars Trekker and produced videos that explained the program’s goals and benefits for players. In this case, NASA didn’t just create ads about its mission—it created an entirely interactive experience designed specifically for people who were interested in learning more about what it takes to become an astronaut!

When done right, branded content can be used as a powerful tool for building stronger relationships with consumers by providing them with relevant information about your products/services while also creating engaging experiences around those topics.


Branded content isn’t just effective at building brand loyalty, it’s also fun! Brands that create great branded content are rewarded with loyal fans who will stick with them even when times get tough or competitors try to take over the market. That’s what we want for you- to be on top of your game, always!

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