website is easy to find

How to make sure your website is easy to find on search engines

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Making sure your website is easy to find on search engines should be every website owner’s priority. SEO (search engine optimization) is a process that can help you get more traffic from search engines. It may seem like the world’s most complicated and boring activity, but it’s actually pretty straightforward once you get the hang of it. In this article, I’ll show you how to make sure your website is easy to find on search engines using some simple steps that anyone can do with minimal effort—and without having to pay someone else anything!

Use keywords in descriptions

The description is an important part of SEO.

It helps search engines understand what your page is about, and it can be used to help people find your website.

Descriptions should be short and sweet but include keywords as well as a link back to your homepage or another relevant page on your site.

Make your website mobile-friendly

The next step is to make sure your website is mobile-friendly. If you have a desktop version of your site, then be sure to make it responsive as well. This means that the website will automatically resize itself depending on what device you’re using to access it. A good way to do this is by using a responsive theme when building your site, which will allow you to achieve this without any additional programming work involved.

Submit your website to Google

Once your website is built, it’s time to start letting the search engines know about it. One of the easiest ways to do this is by submitting a sitemap. A sitemap is an XML file that tells search engines what pages are on your website and how often they change, helping them find all of your content more easily. It also helps users who can’t use JavaScript or don’t have JavaScript enabled; those users will benefit from the HTML code in your site map.

To submit a sitemap:

  • Check out Google’s documentation for instructions on how to submit a sitemap there (Google also has its own tool called Google Webmaster Tools).

  • Use Bing Webmaster Tools’ Submit URL tool if you’re using Bing as your main search engine (you’ll find this under “Crawl” within Bing’s main menu).

Make sure your pages are accessible

As an SEO professional, you should be familiar with these accessibility guidelines:

  • Make sure your pages are accessible to people with disabilities. If a person is blind or visually impaired and cannot use a computer, they may not be able to read the content on your website unless it’s in an alternate format such as for audio or Braille. Likewise, anyone who has trouble hearing will have difficulty accessing your site if it’s not available in another format such as video captions or subtitles (videos) or text-to-speech software (audio).

  • Make sure your pages are accessible to mobile users. People use their phones when they’re out and about looking for businesses nearby—but if they can’t access the information on your page because its layout was designed only for desktop computers, they might give up before finding what they need!

  • Make sure your pages are accessible by search engines such as Googlebot so that all of the relevant information found within them can be indexed properly without any issues whatsoever; otherwise, some key phrases may get lost between paragraphs due to poor formatting choices made early on during development stages which could ultimately lead up all sorts of problems down the line like lower rankings due lack quality content being picked up by bots when crawling through different sources available online today than there were back when this article first came out.

Learn about SEO basics

SEO stands for search engine optimization. It’s a method of using specific techniques to make your website rank higher on search engines so that it appears higher in the results when someone searches for a keyword related to your product or service.

If you don’t know much about SEO and want to learn more, there are several good resources available online. Here are some of the best:

Moz Local Academy

This course covers everything from local SEO basics (like how Google works) to advanced concepts like technical link building and local mobile ads. We recommend this course if you want a comprehensive overview of everything related to local search marketing.

Moz Blog

The Moz Blog does an excellent job of explaining how each part of a website impacts its overall visibility on Google—and what you can do about it!

Learn how search engines work

Let’s start with the basics: search engines are a tool for people to find information on the internet. They use algorithms (basically, a set of instructions) to determine which content is most relevant to a specific search. If you want people to find your website using a search engine, it’s important that you understand how they work so you can optimize your site accordingly.

The main ways that search engines determine relevances are links and keywords—both of which we’ll discuss further below. More recently, however, social media has become an increasingly important factor in determining what content is relevant for a given query or request for information.

Understand what people search for

  • Search engines are getting smarter. They’re getting better at understanding what people mean when they type a query into the search box. And that means keywords that worked in the past may not work now.
  • There are tools like Google Analytics that can help you understand what people are searching for and why, so you can optimize your site more effectively.

Learn which keywords are used in your niche

The first step toward high SEO rankings is to learn which keywords are used in your niche. To do this, search for keywords that are relevant to your website’s content and see which ones are the most popular.

Google Keyword Planner is one of the best tools for finding out what people are searching for online—and it’s free! You can use this tool to get ideas about what types of words or phrases people might type into Google when looking for information similar to yours (e.g., “how-to articles” or “how-to guides”).

Google Trends shows you keyword searches over time so you can see whether a particular term has been gaining popularity recently—or declining. This will help you identify which terms should be prioritized as part of your SEO strategy moving forward.

Find out what people are searching for related to that topic

You can find out what people are searching for related to that topic.

Google search trends:

  • Enter the keyword you want to find out about in the search box at the top of Google Trends, and then click Search. A new graph will appear, showing a list of related keywords ranked based on their global popularity over time. Click on one of those keywords to see how it has changed over time as well as other information about its popularity (e.g., searches per month).

Google keyword planner:

You can get an idea of what people are searching on Google by looking at autocomplete suggestions as well as search queries related to your topic in Google Analytics (this data is available only if you have a website running ads served through AdWords).

Compile lists of relevant keywords and phrases.

In this step, you’re going to do some research on what people are searching for when they’re looking for your product or service. You want to find out what words and phrases people are using that are related to yours. For example, if you run an organic food store, you might want the word “organic” in your list of keywords. But if you sell organic dog treats and cat food as well as human fare, then maybe “organic pet food” would be better—it narrows it down more specifically than just one type of product (even though they all fit under the umbrella category).

You can use free tools online like Google Keyword Planner Tool or Ubersuggest to help you find these kinds of keyword phrases. Another way is through paid services such as SEMrush or Wordtracker where there are more advanced features that allow even more refined searches based on search volume per month.”


All in all, you should be able to improve the visibility of your website on search engines by following these simple steps. It’s important to remember that SEO is not a quick fix—there are no miracle cures or shortcuts. It takes time and effort, but if you put in the work now and keep at it over time, you will see results!

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