measure the success of your branding efforts through your blog analytics

Measure the blog’s impact on branding success.

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Any company looking to flourish in today’s digital world needs to have a strong brand identity. This is because branding helps your company stand out from the rest, making it easier for potential customers to find and remember you among all the competition out there. However, it can be difficult to measure how well your brand is doing online – especially if you’re only using basic analytics tools like Google Analytics or Facebook Insights. So instead of relying on those tools alone, try using some other methods that will help you better understand what people are saying about your business online. Here are six tips for measuring the success of your branding efforts through blog analytics and engagement metrics:

Get audience insight from social media comments.

Comments on your blog are a great way to find out what your audience wants from you. You should be able to see what they’re interested in through the questions they ask, and then use that information to help guide future content creation.

Here’s an example: I have a client who runs an online store for cat lovers, and we’ve been working together since last year. The company sells various products like mats and bowls for cats, so we decided it would be helpful to create some new pieces of content that feature high-quality images of cats using their products.

We decided on this idea because people were asking us about the exact items they wanted in their homes – so much so that it was taking up too much time for us when trying to respond via email! Nowadays our customers can browse through photo galleries featuring different types of cats using our products; we’ve gotten tons of positive feedback from people who purchased these items after seeing them used by adorable felines on social media platforms such as Instagram – and not just our own account!

Track blog post engagement through comments.

The number of comments you get on your blog posts is one of the best metrics to use when measuring the success of your branding efforts. If people are taking the time to leave comments, then it’s a good sign that they like what you have written.

There are two ways to approach this:

  • You can pay attention to how many comments each post receives and use them as a benchmark for future posts.
  • You can look at the percentage breakdown between positive versus negative comments and try to balance out these ratios.

Track social media shares to measure content success.

Social shares are a way for people to share your content on their own platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. It’s important to keep track of how many times people share your posts because it shows that you’re creating content that others want to read.

Next, use the social media tracker in Google Analytics or another platform and see what percent of visitors come from each social platform. You can also see how many followers you have on each one so that you know where your audience is mostly hanging out online.

If most of them are coming from Instagram but haven’t shared any posts yet this month (or ever), then maybe you should focus more on producing images for Instagram-friendly stories instead of longer text-based articles that require reading time in order for them to respond.

Track Backlinks for Brand Awareness.

Backlinks are links from other websites that point to your website. They’re a great way to see how popular and successful your blog is, as well as a good indicator of how well you’re doing with your branding efforts.

Backlinks can help you rank higher in search engines and ultimately drive more traffic to your site.

Low-quality links? Change marketing strategy.

If the majority of your links are coming from low-quality websites, then this might be an indication that you need to change the way you market your brand.

In general, Google takes into consideration various factors when deciding whether or not to rank a website higher in search results. One of those factors is the quality of backlinks that point toward these sites.

If a high number of low-quality backlinks are pointing to one particular website, it’s likely that Google will devalue that site’s ranking in their organic search results. This can have a negative impact on everything from SEO to brand reputation and trustworthiness.

Track Mobile vs. Desktop Blog Visitors.

You can also determine how many people visit your blog from mobile devices compared to those who use desktop computers and laptops.

Mobile devices are becoming more popular than desktop computers, so it’s important to know how many of your visitors are using mobile devices.

Mobile users tend to be younger and more likely to be on the go, which means they might not have as much time for reading as someone using a laptop or desktop computer at home or work.

Location-based audience analysis for future campaigns

You can get real-time analytics information about where in the world most of your audience is located, which will tell you which countries or regions need more marketing attention than others for future campaigns.

For example, if you’re trying to reach out to Brazilians and see that only 10% of your readership is coming from there, then maybe make it a priority to target Brazilian customers in the future by translating some content into Portuguese or posting on Brazilian blogs.


If you’re trying to improve your branding efforts, then it’s worth looking at your metrics dashboard every month or so. This will give you a clear picture of what content people like best, where they come from, and how much traffic is coming from social media sites like Twitter.

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