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Health boosts productivity: prioritize physical, mental

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At some point in the past, self-care was seen as a luxury for those who had time to spare. But with the rise of solopreneurs and freelancers, it’s now more important than ever to prioritize your physical and mental health. As a solopreneur, you need to make sure that you’re eating right, getting enough sleep and exercise, and clearing your head with meditation or yoga—and all of these things can lead to increased productivity.

Taking Care of Your Physical Health

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Taking care of your physical health includes the following:

Physical activity is an important part of self-care. When you exercise, it releases endorphins that make you feel good, and it can also help reduce stress. The Mayo Clinic recommends finding at least 30 minutes a day to exercise on most days of the week.

Healthy eating is important for your overall health, but also because eating less processed foods will lead to fewer headaches and better sleep quality. Eating healthier doesn’t mean giving up all your favorite guilty pleasures; instead, try adding a new vegetable or fruit into your meals at least twice each week (or more often if you want), such as kale chips or banana ice cream! You’ll still be able to eat what makes you happy without feeling deprived.

It’s also important to get enough sleep every night so that you’re well-rested when working during the day—and not only because lack of sleep negatively affects productivity! Your body needs time to rest and recover from stressful situations in order for its muscles and organs (including those inside our brains) not only to work well but last longer too! If possible go without electronics before bedtime so that there isn’t any unnecessary stimulation before sleeping hours begin.”

Workplace Ergonomics

work space health productivity

Ergonomics is the science of designing products, systems, and processes to match the human body’s abilities, limitations, and needs.

To improve your ergonomics at work, try these tips:

Adjust your chair height so that your feet rest flat on the floor with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle. If you’re sitting in a high-back chair, make sure it’s not too high and that you have to lean forward or slouch down to be comfortable.

Keep your monitor directly in front of you (about 20 inches away) and tilted slightly upward—not straight on.

Keep regular breaks throughout the day to stand up and move around every few hours. This helps prevent fatigue as well as carpal tunnel syndrome or other repetitive strain injuries (RSIs). It also improves circulation which can combat pain from sitting still for long periods at a time (elevated blood pressure).

Taking Care of Your Mental Health

work space health productivity

Taking time to relax and unwind is essential for keeping your mental health in check. You can’t expect to be productive all day, every day, and not pay the price at some point. If you don’t make it a priority, burnout will come sooner than later. Make sure you’re allowing yourself adequate time to rest each day, ideally before bedtime.

Making sure that your physical body is getting what it needs is crucial for maintaining a high level of productivity over the long term. Take frequent breaks throughout the day—even if they’re just 15 minutes here or there—so that you’re not sitting at your desk until 8 p.m. when your eyes start crossing from fatigue. And remember: exercise isn’t just good for overall health; it also releases endorphins which make us happier!

Meditation can help clear out distractions so that we can focus on what really matters–in other words, being productive! We recommend starting small by setting aside 10 minutes per day to meditate quietly without any distractions (no phone calls or texts allowed). The more often we do this practice, the easier it becomes – until one day when we realize how much stress has been lifted off our shoulders as well as how much more focused we are in general during our working hours…and then all those late nights spent trying to meet deadlines suddenly become worth it! Plus now if anyone asks why I’m smiling so brightly all the time…I’ll just say “because I meditate!”

Improving Productivity and Creativity

When you are working on a project, it’s easy to get lost in the details without taking the time to step back and evaluate how your overall progress is going. To improve productivity and creativity, it’s important that you build in regular breaks so that you can step back from your work and see what needs improvement.

There are many different ways that people take breaks, but there are also some general guidelines:

Try not to eat while working—it will slow down digestion and interfere with the absorption of nutrients.

Don’t use your phone during meals; it will be too hard for your brain to refocus after being distracted by social media or texts from friends asking about dinner plans tonight. Instead, use this time away from technology as an opportunity to really enjoy eating something healthy or indulging in a favorite snack without worrying about whether “likes” on Instagram might hurt my career prospects as an influencer later on down the road….


While self-care is important for everyone, it’s especially critical for solopreneurs. You have to wear so many hats that sometimes you forget to take care of yourself. When this happens, it can lead to burnout and other problems that affect productivity. But by prioritizing your physical and mental health as well as working on improving productivity and creativity, you can make sure that your business is running smoothly—and more importantly, that you are too!

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