Future of Branded Content

Future of Branded Content: Predictions and Trends

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A few years ago, branded content seemed like a pipe dream. Sure, there were a few brands that did it really well, but for the most part, it was really hard to tell when you were being sold something. Today, that has changed. There are more brands doing this kind of work than ever before and they’re doing it better than ever before too! Here are some trends I’ve noticed in the realm of branded content:

Blurred lines: native content & advertising future

“Native advertising” is a term that’s been around for a while now, but it’s still something that many people don’t yet understand. In 2023, the lines between native content and advertising will blur even further.

Brands will continue to invest in branded content because it works: according to Adweek’s “Brand Content Benchmark Report,” 92% of consumers trust brands more when they’re involved with high-quality editorial content vs. traditional marketing.

Brands need to continue creating quality branded content that tells stories, creates experiences, and builds authentic relationships with their audiences—and they also need to make sure they’re getting paid for their efforts!

Next-gen influencer partnership: new approach required

influencer partnership

As the industry continues to evolve, we will see a shift in how influencers are viewed. The next generation of influencers will require a different approach to working with them.

They’ll be more demanding and collaborative

They will expect to have more input on content creation and share in the revenue generated by their work. That’s why it’s important for brands to build genuine relationships with these new creators so they can work together effectively, while also ensuring that they don’t lose control over their brand image or reputation.

They’re going after younger audiences

In addition to being more creative and versatile when it comes to creating content, these rising stars are also often younger (and therefore cheaper) than traditional celebrities — which makes them appealing for marketers targeting younger consumers who want relatable personalities who reflect their interests rather than older actors or musicians already known for their work in other industries (e.g., sports).

Advanced tech will help create targeted niche content

targeted niche content

The rise of AI tools and social media monitoring technology will help brands create content that is more targeted, relevant, and effective.

Brands are already using AI to automate the process of creating branded content by analyzing information like keywords, images, and text. With this data, machines can generate ideas for new content.

Deep Content Partnerships to Rise

Content partnerships will rise to new levels of success and depth.

Why? According to the report, businesses are turning away from traditional advertising formats (i.e., television ads) in favor of branded content that’s more effective at engaging audiences and generating sales. As a result, brands will partner with other brands on content that’s more creative, memorable, and shareable than ever before.

Worth Watching: Future of Branded Content

targeted niche content

Brands should keep an eye on the rise of advanced tech, as it will help create targeted niche content that better meets their audience’s needs. The next generation of influencers will require a different approach to working with them, and the lines between native content and advertising will blur even further. For marketers, brands, and content creators alike, this is a field worth watching.


The future of branded content is bright. It’s here to stay, and the opportunities for brands and marketers are endless. As new technologies emerge, we’re going to see even more creative ways for brands to reach their audiences—whether through native advertising or partnerships with influencers. We also might see a new generation of influencers who have different expectations from their sponsorships than today’s stars have; as well as brands that are more willing than ever before to invest in niche topics instead of just broad topics like sports and fashion.

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