visual elements into your blog posts

Incorporating visual elements into your blog posts

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Visuals are an integral part of any business marketing strategy. If you’ve got a blog, then you’re probably using images and videos in the content that you post on it. And while they might not be as exciting as new products or services being launched, they can have a big impact on your brand’s visual identity and how people perceive it.

It’s all in the visuals

Visuals are important for communicating a message. Images, for example, help people understand and remember your brand’s message. Videos can also be used to stand out from competitors and convey more complex ideas than simple text alone can express.

Your brand identity is what stands out

Your brand identity is what stands out and makes you memorable. It’s the visual elements of your brand, such as colors, logos, fonts, and taglines that people associate with your company. Your brand identity is what makes you unique and differentiates you from other brands in the market.

It’s important to think about how you can use visuals in your blog posts to help tell your story as a company or organization.

The visual has to look right

  • The images you choose to include in your blog posts should be consistent with the brand identity of your company. This means that the photo, illustration, or video should match the style and tone of your website and social media channels.
  • In terms of relevance, you should make sure that the image is related to the content of each post. For example, if you are writing about how to install a new software program on your computer and have included an image showing someone using this program, then it’s appropriate for readers to see this picture because they can get some context from it as they read through your article. If you were writing about something like kittens playing with yarn balls (the cutest thing ever), then having a picture showing someone installing software would not make sense in this context!

Be consistent with your images and how you use them

It’s important to stay consistent in the way that you use images on your blog. Images are a great way to communicate your brand values, but they should also be relevant to both the content of each post and its topic. An image of an ocean sunset might be a good choice for a post about personal growth, but it could look out of place next to an article about the latest developments in supercomputer technology.

Don’t forget about videos!

While text-based content has traditionally been king for marketers’ blogs, videos now play an important role as well: In fact, according to research from Buffer (which we’ll address later), posts with videos have almost 2x as many social shares than those without! So don’t shy away from uploading videos when appropriate—they’re worth it if they help you spread awareness about your brand or product offerings

Images need to be relevant

Images are powerful visual tools that can make your content more engaging and relevant. You need to know your audience when deciding what images to use in your blog posts, as well as how many of them you should include.

It’s important that you choose images that are relevant to the topic of your blog post, but it’s also important for them to be relevant for other reasons:

  • The image needs to convey something about the brand or product being discussed.
  • The image needs to show its relevance within the context of the industry or niche space where it appears (if applicable).
  • It must be aesthetically pleasing—not just informative!

Videos are a great way to stand out

Videos are a great way to stand out, especially on social media. In fact, they can be even more engaging than text! They help you solve problems and answer questions, show off your brand’s personality, and tell stories.

What’s more? Videos are more likely to be shared than other types of content because people love them—they’re visual and fun (and sometimes funny).


When it comes to the importance of visual elements, there’s no one-size-fits-all rule. In fact, you should use the information above as a general guideline and not something you need to strictly adhere to. Always consider your brand’s goals when determining how much time and effort is worth spending on visual content strategy because it will determine how much time and effort you spend on creating such content. If your goal is to build trust with your audience, for example, then making sure that all of your images are high quality may be more important than using some other type of imagery (like video). But if you’re trying to get people excited about an event or product launch in the near future, prioritizing visuals with motion might be more appropriate for this particular situation.

There aren’t any hard rules here—you just have to look at what kind of content works best when given all available options!


We hope you’ve gained some insight into how important visuals are to your brand and how they can help your blog posts stand out. It’s all about making sure that your images are relevant and consistent, as well as creating videos that tell a story and grab people’s attention. We’d love for you to come back next week for another post on branding!

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