engaging and shareable content

Creating engaging and shareable content on your blog

Sharing is caring!

If you want people to read your blog posts and then share them with others, it is important that you create engaging content. Whether it’s about a product or service you provide or tips and advice for doing something better, the more useful your content is to readers, the more likely they’ll be to re-share it on social media or email listser. The following guidelines will help you create content that engages readers and encourages them to spread it around:

Engage Target Audience for Shareable Content.

The best way to create content that is engaging and shareable is by directly interacting with your target audience. When you listen to what they want, ask questions, and answer them; when you use surveys, polls and other methods to get feedback – you’ll start understanding the problems they face in their day-to-day lives. Use social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter where people are already talking about relevant topics related to your business—and join the conversation!

You should also invest time into learning how to use social media platforms effectively in order to build trust with your readership base. There are plenty of resources out there on how best practice content sharing so I won’t go into detail here but suffice it say that having an impressive blog or website showing off your expertise will help establish credibility as well as increase brand awareness within your chosen niche area

Appeal to target audience through content.

To reach new customers, create content that appeals to the audience you’re trying to attract.

Creating engaging content is a process of experimentation and trial and error. You may come up with an idea that doesn’t work as well as you thought it would, but don’t stop there! Instead of throwing in the towel when things don’t go according to plan, take this opportunity to learn from your mistakes so that you can make better decisions next time around.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help either; even if someone else’s idea isn’t quite right for your brand at this moment, sometimes inspiration comes from outside sources!

Stir debate with engaging headlines.

To stir debate with engaging headlines, you need to find a topic that is controversial and has multiple sides to it. Once you have found your topic, you need to come up with a headline that will get people interested in reading your article. Your headline should be catchy and to the point.

Now that you know what you need to include in your headlines, it’s time to think about the actual words you use. There are several ways to do so:

  • Use a provocative or controversial statement in the headline.
  • Use a shocking fact or statistic as an attention grabber.
  • Use humor to draw readers into your content.

After you have written your headline, make sure to back it up with facts and well-written arguments.

Unique content drives shares.

If you want to get more people to share your content, you have to give them something they can’t get anywhere else.

You could:

  • Give away an exclusive offer (like a discount or coupon) that’s only available on your blog.
  • Offer free trials of your product or service, including a consultation with the professional who will be handling the client after the trial is over.
  • Provide an ebook about a topic related to your company’s products and services (or just about something interesting).
  • Create a video training course for other businesses that teaches important skills like sales strategies or how to write effective copy for their own websites and social media profiles.

Avoid verbose content, use visuals.

Most people want to be entertained and engaged when they read a blog post. If you’re not doing this, then you’re missing out on an opportunity to really connect with your audience.

Here are some tips for creating more engaging content:

Use images, videos and GIFs.

This is the best way to add visual interest without making your readers feel like they’re reading a textbook. Add photos of yourself or pictures that represent what you’re talking about in the article (like if you’re writing about traveling somewhere exciting, include pictures of the location). If possible use video rather than just still images – it will help draw people into what you have to say more quickly!

Use bullet points and subheadings

Use bullet points and subheadings at regular intervals throughout each article so readers know where they are in relation to the rest of each piece as well as being able to skim over parts if needed based on their own interests/needs at any given moment during reading time.

End each post with a compelling CTA

The most important thing at the end of each post is a call-to-action, whether it’s another piece of additional content, or a way you’ll solve their problem in a phone call or email.

Create a clear and easy to follow path for them to take action. Make this as seamless as possible so they don’t have any hesitation about clicking through.

Create valuable and useful content for potential customers.

To create content that people want to share, you need to focus on creating valuable and useful content for your audience.

But what does “valuable” mean?

It’s different for everyone. For some people, something valuable is something that helps them save money or time. For others, it could be an article that provides tips on how to use a product effectively or efficiently. It could also be an explanation of why one product is better than another option—and why those differences matter enough for the reader to choose one over the other (and then share the article).

To figure out what is most valuable or useful for your readers, think about:

  • What do they need?
  • Why would they care?
  • How will this help them get closer to their goals/desires/goals if they’re already aware of them?


Hopefully, these tips will help you create content that is more engaging and shareable. By creating valuable and useful material for potential customers, you’ll be able to increase your brand awareness in no time at all!

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