Benefits of registering your brand’s IP with the government

Benefits of registering your brand’s IP with the government

If you’ve created a brand and are starting to make money from it, you might be wondering if it would be worth your time to register your intellectual property with the government. After all, registering your brand with the government can sound like a lot of work for no real benefit. But there are lots…

Strategies for enforcing your IP rights against infringers

Strategies for enforcing your IP rights against infringers

Have you created something valuable, like an app or website, and want to make sure that nobody copies it? If so, then this article is for you! This guide will teach you the steps to enforce your intellectual property rights. But first, let’s talk about what intellectual property (IP) is. What is Intellectual Property? Intellectual…

The risks of failing to protect your brand’s IP

The risks of failing to protect your brand’s IP

Intellectual property is something that many companies take for granted. They don’t think about how important it is to protect their brand until someone else uses it or takes credit for their work. The truth is that intellectual property can be critical to the success of any business, even small ones. It’s not just a…

Branded Content Strategy: Elements & Best Practices

Branded Content Strategy: Elements & Best Practices

Brands are constantly seeking new ways to reach their customers. One of the most effective ways to do this is through branded content. But it’s important that you have a strategy in place before you start creating content. In this article, we’ll walk through what branded content is, why it matters for your business, and…

Influencer Marketing’s Pros & Cons in Branded Content

Influencer Marketing’s Pros & Cons in Branded Content

Influencer marketing is a form of word-of-mouth marketing that involves partnering with social media influencers to promote products, services, or brands. Influencers are individuals who have built a large following on social media platforms such as Instagram and YouTube. They typically have more than 100,000 followers on their social media channels and reach millions of…

Leverage social media for better engagement through branded content.

Leverage social media for better engagement through branded content.

Leverage social media for better engagement through branded content The rise of social media has changed the way we communicate and interact with each other. It has also changed how consumers interact with brands. So much so that it’s become nearly impossible for brands to maintain their presence without incorporating social media into their communication…

How to identify and protect your trademarked brand elements

How to identify and protect your trademarked brand elements

In this article, I’ll discuss what it means to have a trademarked brand and why it’s important. Then I’ll explain how to register your business name and secure a domain name that matches it. Finally, we’ll discuss how to protect your logo as a registered trademark. Register your business name The first step is to…